The cerebellum has four times as many cells as the neocortex and possible roles in everything from movement to cognition and emotion but is much…
Lab Talk
fNIRS: Advances and Challenges
This is a primer on fNIRS, what it does, the technical advances, challenges and potential applications. With all the recent publicity around Kernel’s new fNIRS…
Individual Variability in Adolescent Brain and Behavior
Little is known about the developmental trajectory of the brain through adolescence but a few studies suggest there is large inter-person variability and differences that…
Why Do Brains Have Spontaneous Activity?
The brain spontaneously produces activity regardless of mental activity and stimulus input. Current theories treat this activity as noise or simply ignore it. What does…
Neuronal Avalanches: What are They and What do They Mean?
Neuronal avalanches are a structure of organization of cascades of synchronized of activity in the cortex that have several surprising implications for how we understand…
Stimulation, Sensation and Localization in the Cortex
Some aspects of cortical localization are well established but it may be the atypical responses to cortical stimulation that hold the keys to the the…