N: 49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report 2020
Lab Talk
MHQ score distributions across the six functional dimensions of mental wellbeing and changes relative to 2019
N: 49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report 2020
Average MHQ score by country for 2020 and change from 2019
N: 49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report 2020
Differences across countries for the 6 dimensions of mental wellbeing
N: 49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report
Top 3 mental health problems and assets across countries benchmarked to the USA
N: 49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report 2020
Mental wellbeing of people living in cities relative to the rest of the country
N: 49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report 2020
Percentage Distressed or Struggling across countries
N:49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report 2020
Psychiatrists per 10,000 correlates with percentage seeking help across countries
N: 49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report 2020
Percentage Distressed who are seeking professional or medical help across countries
N: 49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report 2020
Clinical burden of countries was unrelated to psychiatry resources
N: 49,000 Source: Mental State of the World Report 2020